In the night and until the early afternoon, covered sky with rainy rains are generally moderate, locally abundant and also storms in the morning. Possible snowfall on the Karst up to 300-500 m. During the morning he will begin to blow Bora from sustained to Forte, with gusts around 100 km per hour in Trieste. In the afternoon-evening improvement and will be colder. Stable time with mostly serene sky. Bora supported especially in the morning, strong in Trieste with gusts around 100 km per hour, falling, then in the afternoon. Falling temperatures.
Variable sky for the presence of medium-high clouds. In the Tarvisian probable persistence of low clouds in the valley floor. Moderate Bora will blow on the coast and on the eastern areas, more sustained and cold in Trieste and on the Karst.
After tomorrow
Heaven mainly serene, with probable persistence of low clouds in the Tarvisian. On the coast and on the eastern areas it will blow moderate, more sustained and cold in Trieste and on the Karst. A little colder day with zero thermal at 700 m of about quota.